
印尼最外围的廖内群岛(Riau Islands)连日遭暴雨袭击后,塞拉桑地区(Serasan)6日发生恐怖土石流,一个村庄被泥浆淹没,至今造成15人死亡,数十人下落不明。

In this frame grab made from video released by Indonesia's National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), rescuers search for victims at the site where a landslide hit a village on Serasan Island, Natuna regency, Indonesia on Monday, March 6, 2023. The landslide caused by torrential rain killed a number of people and left dozens of others missing on the remote island, disaster officials said. (BNPB via AP)



In this frame grab made from video released by Indonesia's National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), people inpspect the site where a landslide hit a village on Serasan Island, Natuna regency, Indonesia, on Monday, March 6, 2023. The landslide caused by torrential rain killed a number of people and left dozens of others missing on the remote island, disaster officials said. (BNPB via AP)


搜救单位负责人拉赫曼(Abdul Rahman)告诉法新社,目前这场土石流的死亡人数已上升至15人,另有大约50人失踪。廖内群岛减灾机构发言人祖奈那(Junainah)表示,当地的天气难以预测,加上风势强劲、海浪很高,各种条件都不利于救援。

